About John
John Terlip
I'm drawn to the mystery of this clay process, where trial and error are my constant teachers. Working with clay has been like experiencing the wind, an unseen influence that knows no beginning or end. Both are ever-changing and unpredictable, forces of nature that can be shaped but never fully controlled. Each piece is a journey, a testament to the endless possibilities of clay.
After discovering pottery in high school, it took 30 years before I pursued it professionally, focusing on creative, non-functional pieces. Here, I studied, revised, made mistakes, and often questioned the business side of fine art. The one constant over the years has always been my interest in what clay can become inside and outside of a kiln. While continuing to create my own clay art, I enjoy inspiring others to explore the transformative power of clay.
Loving life in Fallbrook California
Through my workshops, I share a learned Interplay between life and clay. Inspired to share new awareness in our creativity, I have developed what some might call clay therapy. I love working with clay and it has become my interplay with my everyday life.
Clay was here long before me and will be here long after me. It has been said that we are simply the dash between the two dates on a tombstone. So join me wherever you are, and let's dance on the dash."